Buttonhole Pillow | Machine Embroidery Designs | Urban Threads - Print

Buttonhole Pillow

Sometimes dead simple is design at its best. Though there are all kinds of ways of making and decorating a pillow, an easy to sew, simply decorated one can sometimes make the most refined statement. This pillow is the best kind of project: easy to execute, and it looks great!


So, to make your elegant little buttonhole throw pillow, you’ll need:

  • Pillow form
  • Fabric
  • Chic Briar Rose Buttonhole embroidery design -- I used the largest size
  • Large buttons (Make sure you grab the right size embroidery design for your chosen buttons! Check the description for each size of the design.)
  • Cutaway stabilizer
  • Embroidery floss and hand-sewing needle
  • Scissors and pins
  • X-Acto knife or small pointy scissors

Products Used

  • Briar Rose Buttonhole (Sku: ESP16262-1)

Steps To Complete

OK, so the first thing we need to do is cut our fabric to size. This will vary depending on the size of your pillow, but my simple technique is this:

Wrap your fabric around your pillow, with about 8-10 inches of overlap. Cut the excess off. Then, for your height, cut it just a tiny bit taller than your pillow itself. This may seem too small, but this will ensure your cover is snug and will make your pillow look more plump. So when you’re done cutting, you should have a long strip of fabric about the same height as your pillow.

Now we need to embroider our buttonholes. How many you add will depend on the size of your pillow and your buttonhole design. For this pillow, three designs is just about right, so I’m starting with the middle one. If you have more than three buttons planned, it may be best to measure out and mark your placement with a ruler, so they come out evenly.

Hoop up your fabric with your cutaway stabilizer, as close to the right edge of your fabric as possible.

Start stitching your first design. It’s pretty simple stitching, just one color. Mine stitched pretty quickly.

Once you’re done stitching, you can unhoop and trim away the excess stabilizer. With such a light fabric like this, I trimmed mine as close as possible to the design to hide it a little better.

Once your first design is done, it should be easier to plan out where the top and bottom designs will go. I’d measure out equal distance and make a little mark on your fabric just to make sure. Sew the remaining two designs, or more if you have more buttons.

Done! It needs a good ironing, but our buttonholes are stitched and ready to be turned into a pillow.

We just need to finish the two raw edges at the ends of our pillow. Fold your raw edge under twice, pin in place, and sew a seam down the side.