Embroidered Face Mask | Machine Embroidery Designs | Urban Threads - Print

Embroidered Face Mask

Fashion meets function with this clever face mask sewing pattern! Simply choose your fabric and your favorite embroidery design to create your own. The step-by-step project instructions below will show you how!


To stitch your embroidered face mask, you will need:

  • Embroidery design that fits your chosen mask size.  We're using the Whimsical Mask Motif - Delicate Blooms.
  • Printed face mask sewing pattern (available below)
  • 1/4 yard of cotton (outer fabric)
  • 1/4 yard of cotton (lining fabric)
  • Soft cutaway stabilizer (such as Sulky Soft'n Sheer)
  • Temporary spray adhesive (such as Gunold KK100)
  • Scissors
  • 1/4" Elastic or ribbon (for ties)
  • Safety pin
  • Air erase marker
  • Wire or pipe cleaner
  • Quilter's ruler
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Thread to match your fabric
  • Small scissors

Products Used

  • Whimsical Mask Motif - Delicate Blooms (Sku: ESP13777-1)

Steps To Complete

There are three different sizes of this face mask: a small size that fits children, plus adults with smaller faces, a medium size that fits most women, plus men with smaller faces, and a large size that fits most men, plus women with larger faces.

To know what size of embroidery design to use, first select a mask size and print out the pattern. You can do this by clicking on the appropriate size below. Clicking on these options will open a file with printable pattern pieces. Be sure to scale the patterns to 100% when printing.

Face mask pattern: Small size
Face mask pattern: Medium size
Face mask pattern: Large size

All three sizes of the mask have a different maximum embroidery area. When you print out your pattern piece(s), there will be a guide included that shows the largest usable embroidery dimensions for each size of mask.

The smallest face mask has a max embroidery area of 4.7 inches by 2 inches. The medium mask has a max embroidery area of 5 inches by 2.125 inches. The largest face mask has a max embroidery area of 6.4 inches by 2.75 inches.

Before cutting out your pattern pieces, your fabric will need to be embroidered.  Set aside your pattern pieces for now, and select your desired embroidery design(s).

To begin, cut a piece of the outer fabric and a piece of soft cutaway stabilizer. Both should be larger than the embroidery hoop and the mask pattern piece in both height and width. We cut our fabric and stabilizer to 12"x12".

Make sure to use a soft and flexible cutaway stabilizer. Using a cutaway stabilizer will help prevent wrinkles and puckering around the design. Puckering is more likely to occur if you use water-soluble stabilizer. Sulky Soft'n Sheer is great choice for a soft cutaway. It is soft and flexible and should not be noticeable when left on the inside of the mask.

Spray the cutaway stabilizer with a temporary adhesive. Smooth the stabilizer onto the wrong side of the main fabric piece.

The mask pattern will print in two pieces that need to be taped together. Once taped together, center the pattern on the right side of the outer fabric piece. Do not use spray adhesive yet. If needed, you can pin the pattern piece in place.

Using an air-erase pen, mark the four vertical and horizontal axis lines along the edges of the pattern. The horizontal axis is marked by the dotted line on the pattern. The vertical axis is the center line where the two halves are taped together.

Remove the pattern from the fabric. Use a ruler to connect the axis marks, creating a cross on the fabric. This will act as a guide to help center the embroidery.

Hoop the fabric and stabilizer together so that it is drum tight with no wrinkles. Make sure to match up the drawn axis lines with the marks on the hoop.

Load the embroidery file onto your machine and secure the hoop onto the machine. Center the needle over where the two axis lines meet to ensure the design is centered.

Follow the color change sheet and embroider the design.