Faux Leather ClutchVenture outside the hoop with this beautiful yet simple faux leather clutch pattern! Chose your favorite color, texture, and thickness of faux leather, then pick any embroidery design that suits your fancy. We'll show you how to make your own with step-by-step instructions below! SuppliesTo stitch your leather clutch, you'll need:
Products Used
Steps To Complete
The clutch will print out onto three pieces of paper. Cut out the three pattern pieces, and tape together following the text and arrows on the pieces. On what will be the flap of the clutch, there is a placement guide which looks like a crosshairs. This is what you will line your embroidery design up with if you want it centered on the flap. This piece also lists the maximum size that the embroidery design can be and still fit on the clutch. Make sure when printing to scale the pages to 100%. Click the link above to print the clutch pattern. |
Since it is best to embroider the fabric before cutting out the pattern, set the pattern aside for now. Embroidery can stretch or pull fabric. By waiting to cut the pattern pieces, the final shape of your project will not be affected. Start by cutting out a 12" x 18" piece of faux leather. This piece will be the outer embroidered fabric and will seen on the outside of the clutch. This piece is cut to be 2" bigger than the pattern both in height and width. Cutting your fabric to this size will allow some flexibility in case any shifting occurs. |
This clutch will fit an embroidery design up to 9.85" wide x 4.7" tall. A template (also called a printout) of a design is an excellent tool to help with placement. Print a template of your chosen design using embroidery software. Cut around the embroidery template and place it on one end of the fabric so the bottom of the design is closest to the edge. Make sure to center it as best you can. Lay the pattern next to the fabric and match up the dotted lines on the pattern with the markings on the template. Use these markings on the pattern to make sure the embroidery design is not too close to the edge of the fabric. If the embroidery is too close to the edge, the pattern will no longer fit on the fabric piece when lined up with the embroidery. Once the template is placed correctly, mark all four vertical and horizontal axis. |
Extend the axis lines using a ruler and your temporary marking tool. This will make it easier to hoop accurately, center the embroidery design, and position the pattern later. |
Most faux leathers, leathers, and similar materials will get permanent marks if hooped, so instead we will float the fabric piece. To do this, hoop a piece of medium-weight cutaway stabilizer by itself. Make sure it is hooped tight with no wrinkles. Spray the backside of the faux leather, behind the drawn crosshairs only, with temporary adhesive. Then smooth it on top of the stabilizer, matching up the drawn cross hairs on the faux leather with the marks on the embroidery hoop. |
Pins can help keep the fabric in place as you baste it onto the stabilizer. For best results, pin only under where the design will embroider. This way the embroidery will hide any holes left by pins. Use a hand sewing needle and baste around all four edges of the hoop, securing the fabric down onto the stabilizer. Make sure to smooth the fabric as you go to prevent any wrinkles from forming. Be careful to not wipe off the cross hairs as you sew. |