Lace MobileThere are so many neat ways to use the freestanding lace designs on Urban Threads. From ornaments to window dressing, the delicate nature of lace adds a classic touch everywhere you see it. The new Lacewing collection is so beautiful and light; I thought a modern mobile would be a perfect way to showcase them. It's quick to assemble but stunning when you're done! SuppliesTo make your lace mobile, you'll need:
Products Used
Steps To Complete
If you've decided to add lights to your mobile, it's best to test them before you begin assembly to make sure they are working properly. If you're using lights, start by securing the battery pack to your wreath. I tied the pack to the wreath using a piece of lace, then wound the lights around the wreath. Tuck the end of the lights into the sticks of the wreath to hide it. If you prefer not to add lights, you can just add pretty lace or ribbon to your wreath. |
Once your lights are secured (or if you're not using any at all), wind your lace or ribbon decoratively around the wreath in a similar fashion to the lights. Tie it in place once you've gotten all the way around. Take care if you're using lights to secure the battery pack firmly in place, with the switch easily accessible. |
To get it ready to hang, I cut two pieces of lace about one foot long, and tied each end at four equal points on the top of the wreath. I considered the "top" of the wreath to be the same side as the battery pack. I figure if the mobile would be hanging up somewhere, the battery pack on top of the wreath would be less visible. |
Now it's time to add the real flourish - in this case, lace birds! I decided on a pattern where the lace birds would spiral downwards from the wreath. To make sure the birds didn't repeat themselves too much, I found it helpful to arrange the birds ahead of time in the order they will hang. |
Start by hanging your wreath up somewhere with room underneath to tie things on. With your first bird, thread nylon through the lace and check that you like for the bird balances on the thread. Once you're happy with how it hangs, tie your first bird only about 2-3 inches below your wreath. |
Repeat that step again, checking the hang of the next bird, but tying this one next to the previous one, about two inches further down than the first. Continue tying the birds on, one by one, so you can check the spacing and length of line as you work. Really, you can hang the birds in any fashion that you like, from a spiral to a loop or even just randomly spaced. It all looks good! |
When you've hung your last bird, your mobile is ready! From a simple wreath and a few lace birds, you now have a stunner to bring a breath of fresh air into any room. |
This mobile looks just gorgeous floating by a window, where your delicate and lacy birds drift through the clouds. |
You could even add to the effect by draping ribbon down in between the birds in a similar spiral effect, or stitch other freestanding lace designs to make a totally different mobile theme. Imagine dream boats floating through the sky, or draping feathers and moons, or even delicate lace floating butterflies! |
Alternatively, you can use an embroidery hoop ring, some balsa wood sticks, and some hot glue to create an entirely different look to your lace mobile! |
Just use your hot glue to adhere the balsa wood sticks in a cross pattern on your embroidery hoop, then tie your lace pieces using nylon line to different sections of the frame. |
Attach a string to your frame and hang your creation from the ceiling. |
You can also skip the wreath structure altogether and opt for your lace designs to lay flush with the wall. Here we added some paper bunting to create a more whimsical feel. |
The possibilities don't end there! Get inspired by your surroundings and borrow bits of nature to create an entirely different type of mobile. A simple project with a big result - my favorite kind of project! |