Restyled Sweater | Machine Embroidery Designs | Urban Threads - Print

Restyled Sweater

Ever find that super cute, but too large and slightly out of style sweater at a thrift store? Maybe you found a great deal off a clearance rack in three sizes too big. Or maybe you have an oversized sweatshirt that has been shoved to the back of your closet in sacrifice to the clothes gnomes. Follow this simple tutorial to glam up and slim down that old, baggy garment!


To make your chic embroidered new sweater, you’ll need...

  • Baroque Natura embroidery designs (I used the 4.88" x 6.89" version of the pack)
  • An oversized sweater or sweatshirt
  • A slim-fitted long sleeve shirt that fits you well, to use as a template
  • Printed templates of the design for placement (here’s how to print templates)
  • Seam ripper, scissors, pins, and tape
  • Medium weight cutaway stabilizer and temporary spray adhesive

Products Used

  • Baroque Natura - Sun (Sku: ESP16640-1)
  • Baroque Natura - Flourish (Sku: ESP16646-1)

Steps To Complete

Start by planning where your designs are going on your sweater.

I used the sun and swirls designs from the Baroque Natura pack. The swirls are mirrored on either side of the sun to create a sort of sun flare. The color stops in this series allows you to play with the look of the design, so I transitioned the swirls from the color of the sun to a color closer to the sweater.

Since I planned to embroider the designs across the back shoulders of the sweater, I needed to open the sides of the sweater to hoop this. I used my seam ripper and opened the seams from the sides up through halfway down the arms.