Lace Cowgirl Hat | Machine Embroidery Designs | Urban Threads - Print

Lace Cowgirl Hat

Take your collection of tiny lace hats to the next level with the addition of this western-style hat! Perfect for any cowboy or girl, and the young and young-at-heart, this piece is easy to create and fun to accessorize with! Here's how to build your own adorable freestanding lace hat, using your embroidery machine and a little creative flair.


To make your tiny cowboy or cowgirl hat, you’ll need:

  • Cowgirl Hat (Lace) embroidery design
  • Heavy water-soluble stabilizer, such as Vilene or Sulky Ultra Solvy
  • Hand-sewing needle, and thread to match your lace
  • Scissors
  • Optional: any decorations you'd like to add to your hat -- ribbon, feathers, gems, up to you!
  • Optional: hair clip, bobby pins, or headband

Products Used

  • Cowgirl Hat (Lace) (Sku: EMP17302-1)

Steps To Complete

Start by stitching out your five pieces onto heavy duty water-soluble stabilizer using 40 wt. rayon thread and a 75/11 sharp needle for best results. Once you're done stitching, rinse and dry each piece completely. (Here's more on stitching freestanding lace).

First, grab your rectangular pieces. Hold your pieces long ends together, and sew them together using a simple zigzag stitch on your sewing machine.